Happyness for Families

The 1st Serially Produced Sample House - Shell Construction

The first, serially produced «Happy Home» was built within 3 weeks only. The following works were executed in this short time:


  • The steel pipe frame was lasered according to the plans;
  • the wastewater was system installed;
  • the ground was levelled to ensure that the foundation is laid horizontally;
  • we installed the leveling system for the house;
  • built the steel frame construction;
  • mounted the roof;
  • raised the walls and
  • installed the windows as well as the entrance door.
Construction 1st Serial House
1st Serial House


Let us share with you our first steps and the experiences we made during the installation of our first, serially built sample «Happy Home».

Please klick to the photo gallery below and see in more details the most interesting and challenging three weeks.


Unfortunately, we had to postpone the interior finishing to spring 2022. 

We plan to finalize our sample house “ready to move in”, respectively ready to be visited by interested parties by May 2022.
